Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Andy McCormick, executive vice president of marketing and sales at Legacy Sports brings us up to speed on why the firearms business is booming - and what might change that. Tips on buying, trends, what's hot in shotgun gauges and styles ... all from a guy with 40 years' experience in the industry.
Legacy's brands include Pointer shotguns and Howa rifles, among others.
We also talk hunting dogs and valley quail, the most common gun-care problem his warranty department gets, and how the current virus and political situation might affect our hunting season.
Plus, why sunglasses might put a kibosh on your dog training success, public-access hunting in New Mexico and of course, a chance to win a Pointer shotgun.
All brought to you by these sponsors:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and financing on your Gunner Kennel.
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Puppy season! Commiseration, advice, inspiration from callers and pro breeders.
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Your calls on the joys, trials and tribulations of a new hunting partner ... from feeding and training, to care and of course PUPPY BREATH.
I'll talk with first-time puppy owners, seasoned veterans, pro breeders, and get some positive, upbeat stories from owners of cuddly, cute Weimaraners, Setters, spaniels, shorthairs and even a Lab cross!
Plus advice on jump-starting your dog-training regimen, planning your public-land, DIY hunt, and of course, a chance to win a Pointer shotgun.
All brought to you by these sponsors:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and free shipping on your Gunner Kennel.
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Brian Koch is the founder of UltimateUpland.com, a website dedicated to upland hunting and even some philosophical matters related to dogs, birds, hunters, and conservation. He'll share his thoughts on a variety of topics, some of which need sayin' even if they're not quite PC. WARNING: If you're an REI member, bird watcher or fan of birdie body piles, prepare to be butt-hurt.
Plus, a short primer on snowcock hunting, some fitness advice, and as always, a public-access "catalog" of lesser-know spots, advice on dog training and simulating game bird behavior with your pigeons, and of course, a chance to win a Pointer shotgun.
All brought to you by these sponsors:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and free shipping on your Gunner Kennel.
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
In this edition of the bird hunting podcast, I go pocket-by-pocket through my own hunting vest. Somewhere in that mess is something you forgot, wish you had, gotta get, or never thought to bring. Take it all, and 1) you'll soon be in better shape because it's heavy; 2) you'll hunt harder, longer, safer, and so will your dog.
From ammo to zippers and everything in between, here's the stuff I take on every hunt ... and why. Plus, some of the hard-earned lessons on why I bring that gear now, and wish I had in years past.
Plus, a public-access hunting spot or two in Texas, advice on thinking like a dog to train better, and of course, a chance to win a Pointer shotgun.
All brought to you by these sponsors:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and financing on your Gunner Kennel.
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Bird hunting conundrums: Lost dogs - find 'em; new hunters - find 'em, too
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
I'll address two of the most-discussed topics I hear from YOU, offering tips and advice from hard-won personal experience and experts who've been there and done that. From a hasty search for your dog, to preventive tactics you can use to keep your hunting buddy found ... some tried-and-true methods are outlined.
New hunters are critical to the survival of the sport ... and the resource. Find out why, then let's talk about how to identify and recruit newcomers. (Hint: the best prospects are just like you.) Many of you already take a newcomer hunting every season, so thank you. For those who don't - yet - here are some ways to make it easy and fun for both parties.
In the "This Land is Your Land" segment, learn a few ways to save money on public-access, D-I-Y road trips. And in the "Handle It" segment, learn why pointing and steadiness is only instinctive for a moment ... then it's your responsibility!
All brought to you by these sponsors:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and financing on your Gunner Kennel.
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Actually, they're probably someone else's secrets, but I wrote them down and live by them. In 30 years, hunting 26 states for wild birds, I've learned a helluva lot about finding and utilizing private ground open to hunters and publicly-owned land. If you're a do-it-yourself hunter, you might find a tip or two of use. If you're just getting started, this information might shorten your learning curve.
From timing to tactics, how-to and where-to, I'm sharing some hard-earned lessons and answering a few questions from listeners, too. I'll give you my top 12 strategies, list some states worth the drive for their publicly-accessible ground, and hopefully, provide encouragement to new and experienced hunters.
And in the "Handle It" segment, learn why acoustics are to blame for your dog's "disobedience."
All brought to you by these sponsors - check out their deals:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and financing on your Gunner Kennel.
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
From how stories and images get chosen, to what readers want from their magazines, editor Jake Smith takes us deep into the world of sporting magazines. Plus, a preview of the next issue of Pointing Dog Journal.
Jake's wildlife background and journalism experience combine to provide us with hunting tips and advice, too. Plus great stories, insights into dogs and people, public access suggestions and dog training strategies.
Interested enough to subscribe? Go here for PDJ or here for Retriever Journal.
All brought to you by these sponsors - check out their deals:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and financing on your Gunner Kennel.
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Insightful, introspective and prompter-of-deep thoughts in us, Fergus has written some of the most memorable books in the genre. Titles include A Rough Shooting Dog, A Hunter's Book of Days, The Upland Equation, and Gun Dog Breeds: A Guide to Spaniels, Retrievers and Pointing Dogs. Charles was book editor for Shooting Sportsman magazine as well.
But Fergus also writes books about wildlife and nature, and his deep appreciation for all things outdoors show in every word he writes ... including his newest book A Stranger Here Below, a murder mystery set in the 1830s. The protagonist is a sheriff and a grouse hunter, and his dilemma is shaped not only by crimes but classic shotguns, dogs, and birds among other things.
We talk about writing, how dogs and birds affected him and his writing, and how a deeper working knowledge of the wild world could benefit all of us. He picks his favorite bird hunting book, shares some stories, and may just change your way of thinking about bird hunting and dogs.
Plus, my own tip on public land access, a hard-earned lesson in yard training, gear discounts and a chance to win a Pointer shotgun. All brought to you by these sponsors - check out their deals:
Cabela's, Sage & Braker Mercantile, Electronic Shooters Protection, Dogtra, Dr. Tim's performance dog food; FindBirdHuntingSpots.com and Gunner Kennels.
Take advantage of great deals from many of our sponsors: 10% off and free shipping on any purchase over $200 at Dogtra with the code SLUN10 (plus sale prices on many collar-transmitter bundles); win a Pointer shotgun at FindBirdHuntingSpots.com; 30% off your first order from Dr. Tim's with the code UPLANDNATION; and financing on your Gunner Kennel.