Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
If your dog could buy you a present, what would he get? And you know your dog is worthy of gifts too, so here are some ideas from experts at Bass Pro/Cabela's and Gun Dog Supply. What to buy, why, and how to use it once it's unwrapped ... from the guys who have done the shopping for you!
Your suggestions, calls, and Facebook comments too.
Plus, quail ground that's publicly-accessible in California, and a training tip (they're called "bird dogs" for a reason).
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Our first annual Thanksgiving Day podcast covers gratitude: for dogs, places, people, and this great country of ours. We've got callers from all over North America celebrating the season, plus observations and ideas on why being thankful just might be the best thing that happens to you, your dog, your hunting buddies, and your health!
Plus, a public-access waterfowl spot that also delivers for uplanders on our "This Land is Your Land" segment, and insights on working with flushing dogs for those used to pointers, that might put another bird in the bag.
Listen while you cook, dine, doze, or get settled on the couch waiting for kickoff time!
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
So tell me how you really feel! Mention sharing your hunting spots and you're sure to make waves. So, why not have a civil discussion about the topic? That's what your calls are about in this episode. Everything from give-it-all-away, to strategic sharing, to "when pigs fly." You will be surprised at the take-away.
Plus, a hunt debrief and in-depth chat with one of the few breeders of Braque Francais in the U.S., Brad Boisen of Grand Ciel Lodge. From what happens when groups "Americanize" European breeds, to their hunting style, conformation, testing and the sheer joy of hunting with yet another fantastic dog breed. But you know how that feels!
And of course, a place to hunt, dog training and care advice, the Upland Trivia quiz and a prize.
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Your calls on our future ... another world record ... make your e-collar multi-task
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Our first call-in episode and what a discussion! Upland Nation citizens like you address the problems facing our sport ... from habitat loss to mismanagement, recruiting newcomers, to our image in the media. Upland Nation fans have some pretty darn good ideas and fascinating insights!
But first, Guinness Book of World Record-holder David Miller of CZ-USA recounts his most recent success with four young shooters and over 14,000 broken clays. He also helps us translate clay-target success to the field, motivate youngsters, improve our gun mount and shooting techniques. You'll get a sneak preview on some proprietary technology in the new CZ shotguns as well as some new features.
You'll get a shot at a trivia question and prize, plus some of the other ways to make your e-collar earn its keep in the yard and in the field.
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Trainer, trialer, author, seminar leader Evan Graham
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Best known for his "SmartWork" system of books and DVDs, Evan Graham made his mark scoring high in top-level retriever trials. But his way of thinking - and training - is useful to anyone with a dog. From managing expectations and measuring a dog's progress, to the right way to introduce gunshots, he's got suggestions for all of us.
Graham helps pointer guys get their dogs to retrieve, explains "force breaking" and what it really means, and shows us why most dog problems are really handler problems. We'll drill down to fundamental ways of thinking about your relationship with your dog and how it affects his performance.
Practical tips about using live and dead birds, a 100-foot checkcord, and many other topics are covered in this fast-paced interview. You can learn more about Evan and his upcoming seminars, order his books or DVDs, here.
We'll also answer a listener question about helping a flushing dog stay within gun range, look at publicly-accessible land in Nevada, and award someone a YETI Rambler in the Upland Nation trivia test.
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Road warrior, author, blogger, podcaster, Randy Schultz
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
A true road warrior, Randy Schultz travels extensively across the country with his five Brittany’s in pursuit of virtually every huntable game bird species. He chronicles his passion in a blog, “A Bird Hunter’s Thoughts,” a podcast “Turn ‘Em Loose,” and in his new book “Endless October.”
Randy shares his thoughts on traveling, offering tips and advice on everything from dog care to health and safety. He shares his favorite places and bird species … and why he’s so enamored with each. He offers a unique personal rationale for hunting, discusses dog training during a hunt, and why. He explains why and how trialing can help hunting dogs, and vice-versa. We'll cover training tips and must-have gear for the traveling bird hunter in this informative discussion.
Plus, a public-access tip, dog handling advice on how acoustics make your dog look worse than he is, and the soon-to-be-legendary Upland Nation trivia quiz and a YETI prize.
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Threats to our sport and how to beat them, with the Sportsmans Alliance
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
What's a pronghorn and a rifle hunter doing here? The short version of the long story is, Brian Lynn and colleague Bruce Tague are working on behalf of all hunters ... anglers and trappers, too. Their organization Sportsmans Alliance is in the trenches every day, defending our right to hunt. And don't worry - both are avid bird hunters too!
The Alliance is in court, the halls of state and federal legislatures, online and on the streets, counteracting the strident calls of anti-hunters, so-called "conservation" groups, and animal rights organizations who want to "free" your dogs, prevent you from pursuing gamebirds with them, take away taxidermy mounts of your bucket-list birds, and stop you from producing puppies to improve the health of your dog breed.
We'll get an update on the threats to our sport, and why we should work cooperatively with big-game hunters and trappers, bow hunters and anglers. We'll get a list of the "bad guys" and the good guys and find out more about how each works for - and against - us. And, how you should be involved to protect your sport now, and for future generations.
Plus, a place to hunt - free, the upland trivia quiz, and dog handling/training advice ... all delivered in a concise, respectful way so you can learn, act, and HAVE SOME FUN without wasting your valuable time.
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Shooting instructor, dog trainer, pro guide, all-around good guy Tom Fiumarello
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Rennaissance man Tom Fiumarello started adult life as a teacher and coach. Now he brings that insight to his shooting instruction, dog training and even guiding.
Tom's thoughts on everything from how a dog learns to how a human can learn - to shoot better - will have you re-thinking your own ideas and applying some of his. You've seen him shoot, and his dogs work, on the recent Fur Feathers Friends episode of Wingshooting USA and if that doesn't convince you he has some pretty good ideas about dog training nothing will.
As a former coach, Tom's enthusiasm and positive attitude will rub off on you and ultimately, your dog. You'll come away from this podcast rarin' to go ... into the field or onto the range, or to your training yard with your dog!
Plus, an upland trivia question and prize, public land access in Texas (!), and dog handling and training tips galore.