Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
The joy of a new puppy ... and where to find bobwhites are just two of the topics as John Morgan, director of the National Bobwhite & Grassland Initiative joins us. Then, our industry insider series continues with Shawn Mahaffey, CEO and founder of what could be described as the AirBnB of wingshooting, WingIt.
(Hey, get in on a sweet deal and big savings before everyone else, by signing up for the WingIt mailing list now.)
Morgan touches on old and young dogs, offers scientific insights on quail hunting from ideal habitat to the real reasons rain is good - and bad - for their population. He outlines a new, public-private strategy for the organization (formerly National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative), the reason for the name change, then jumps back to quail hunting strategy and tactics based on science. He then takes us into the ruffed grouse woods for a new perspective on hunting the King of Gamebirds.
And soon, there's an app for it. That's what Shawn Mahaffey says about a way to book a day of hunting on private land via your mobile phone. We get an exclusive preview of the tech and the reasons it may be the next big thing for bird hunters.
Our public access feature touches on the borders of a chukar state, and you chime in with the name of your most recent hunting buddy and a report on your opening day shooting skill, such as it was :).
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Same place, same opening weekend and we didn't even hunt together. It still may have been the best opener ever, in large part for reasons other than bird numbers. My friend Tom Jenkins joins me to debrief our separate-but-equally cool chukar openers where camaraderie, family, friends, and brutal heat all contributed to a unique hunting experience.
Learn what we learned about coping with summer-like conditions - dog care, bird behavior and personal um, hydration. How serendipity is often what makes a hunting trip memorable, some of our tactics and strategies for wild birds, including valley quail.
The Road Trip hits some starting points for public access ruffed grouse in the Northeast, and we look at your photos of opening weekend - outstanding!
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
"Never lie to a dog," she says. Find out why on this episode. Lynda Krull and her dogs not only excel at the highest standards as German versatile hunting test entrants she now judges other German dogs aiming for success at the toughest test in dogdom. Her Deutsch Drahthaars honed their skills at Lynda's South Dakota hunting lodge, and chasing wild birds across America.
We learn why bond are critical between owner and dog, how to build them, and the benefits of a dog that works for you, not him.
Lynda shares her wisdom, insights and advice on everything from the German hunting culture to preparing for those rigorous hunt tests. She offers dog training tips, covers conditioning dogs for a long season, explains why silence in the field is the best way to handle dogs, and why a steady dog at all costs is often the wrong approach on wild birds.
Our Road Trip to public access covers a species of land that we might not think of when searching for upland hunting, and listeners chime in on how their opening weekend went.
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Twenty-six states, 32 years, over 6,500 walking miles ... I've learned a thing or two traveling the country chasing birds for fun and (very little) profit. Much of it is most helpful on Day One of your season, from travel tips to picking the right hunting partner. I'll cover them in hopes one or two might be handy, new, or you needed a nudge to remember.
From organizing your gear to what not to do with your dog on that first morning, there's something for everyone in this free-wheeling monologue. Then, we take a look at your ammo and shotgun choices, and what you'll be shooting at on opening day.
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Intense, exuberant, committed to a cause and pretty damn talented: photographer Lee Kjos joins me to talk all things outdoor photography from his grueling travel schedule to where you've seen his work (everywhere). We'll get tips on how to make even your ugliest hunting buddy better looking and getting your dog camera-ready.
We'll talk about Lee's new cocker pup, dogs in general, take a deep dive into his ruffed grouse passion, delve into some outdoors history and even a little philosophy. Where the heck do Greg Allman and Harley Davidson motorcycles fit into this? Listen to find out.
Lee's making waves in the ammo business, too. Co-founder of Boss Shotshells, he'll make a case for using non-toxic ammo in the uplands before the feds force it down our throats. His conservation - and practical - arguments ring true to me. Listen for yourself and decide.
You share your thoughts on where your dog rides ... and we look at Texas public-access (yes, there is some).
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
30 years of wild bird hunting, hundreds of bird dogs, and 20 pounds of stuff, all critical to bird hunting success and safety. And, how to carry it all comfortably and conveniently. We start with an insider's look at the new HUNTREDI Deviate strap vest ... my new best friend.
I'll share the lessons I've learned consulting on vest design and functionality, then open every pocket and go through the gear I take chukar hunting.
From ergonomics to a dog emergency bag, to what's in my "survival kit," I'll offer suggestions on the things you might add, especially for a high-mileage western wild bird hunt.
Then, listeners share their dogs' favorite part of a hunting day, and I've got suggestions for public-access grouse ground in seven states.
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Wild bird hunting pro shares spots, strategies, advice
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Wild birds, in the wilds of Southern California. That's where we start this long-overdue discussion with the publisher of the Western Birds, a detailed, informative newsletter on all things bird hunting in the Golden State. From the "miracle of snow" to how chukars behave in winter, where quail hang to hunting strategies and tactics, Jim has advice no matter what species you chase. Jim also has tips on where to go, the critical environmental factors birds need, using a call to locate birds, other useful gear, and what happens when you bust a covey.
Listeners share their priorities for this season, and our Road Trip explores not a place, but a mindset for wild birds on public lands.
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Dr. Tim's performance dog food, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Rocky Gutierrez is probably the most learned scholar in the world of upland game birds and he's here to take us to school. From hunting birds around the world, to the behavior of valley quail, this guy knows his stuff. We'll talk habitat, strategy, tactics, gear, and why you can never find those buggers where they lit when you flushed the covey. We'll cover birds from Gambel's quail to capercaillie, mountain quail to rock ptarmigan.
Rocky's academic background is rich and varied, he is a professor emeritus at the Univ. of Minnesota, and his doctoral dissertation work started with a quail hunt!
We talk about what snacks you offer your dog during a hunt, and the Road Trip goes to Sin City for wild Gambel's quail on public land.
Please visit our sponsors:
Sage & Braker Mercantile, Dr. Tim's performance dog food, Pointer shotguns, RuffLand performance Kennels, KAMO's Burt County Bird Bounty, the Ringneck Nation of Huron, SD, Mid Valley Clays and Shooting School, your online shotgun shopping resource, FurFeathersFriends and FindBirdHuntingSpots.com.